viernes, 12 de abril de 2013


I consider that since we are teachers, we must be researching, reading, and enriching our knowledge so that we are able to lead our students every time we teach them. Many teachers mistakenly believe that being a teacher is just a matter of going to the classroom and limiting their teaching to prepare their classes based on a book or a lesson already established by the Minister of education instead of going further and empower their lesson with information from other sources such as the Internet, other books, magazines, journals, and blogs from different teachers. Also, it is important that teachers interchange experiences with other colleagues.


The role of research is definitely to guide and lead us as lecturers or teachers to be such great inspiration in our students lives; however, the most important rol of research is to help us improve our understanding of teaching. It is really obvious that the more we teachers read and research, the better conception we will have about teaching. For instance, when we taught for the first time, we had to read about the topic we were going to teach about, and we tried to prepare ourselves to such moment so that we could give the best impression to our students. Now that we have already certain experience as teachers, we need to be constantly studying and reading a lot in order to make our performance even better.


 Teachers must be refreshing and improving their teaching methods every single day. There are some cases in which the students know more than their teachers because those teachers are always procrastinating all the things they should already be doing so as to understand what teaching really means.
The role of research in improving our understanding of teaching is also to be aware of how well and effective our teaching is. We as teachers should be always critizising our own teaching, evaluating ourselves,and measuring if we are fulfilling our students needs. In fact, nowadays students are free to express their ideas and they may be so demanding that we will need to be ready in case they try to dare us to know every thing they want to learn.

There are sometimes that one student from your class asks a difficult question and tries to dare you or challenge you to know and give the answer instantly. So, we as teachers should be ready to surprise our students and let them trust in what we are teaching.
Research is so important in our understanding of teaching because it helps us understand what resources are required for teaching a particular topic or discipline. Moreover, research helps us to achieve the desired outcomes in pedagogy, helps us to understand strategies and methods to use in teaching a particular subject, helps us to understand the learners’ attittudes towards the disciplines so as to identify the appropriate strategies, and helps us to understand the knowledge and skills our students need.

In addition, research helps teachers to create an appropriate learning environment and helps them to be able to utilize it fully. The role of research facilitates teachers to establish existing problems and offer solutions for the wellbeing of the communities attached to the institution for which they work. Thus, students will want to have an extent knowledge as their teacher, so they will consider their teacher as their role model.

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